As Children’s Ministry Leaders, we have the awesome responsibility of teaching children about God, who He is, and what He has done.

In I Chronicles 28:11 (ESV),we read, “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness Ind the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all.” 

Ponder this for a moment. Our job is to teach kids about The Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

  • The Triune God is the Creator.
  • He is the Savior.
  • He is Lord.
  • He is King.
  • He is Holy (God is pure and perfect, untouched by sin).
  • He is Righteous (God always does what is right).
  • He is Just (when legislating His righteous standards).
  • He is Sovereign (God is subject to no one and does as He pleases).
  • He is Eternal (God has no beginning or end).
  • He is Immutable (God never changes His nature or purpose).
  • He is Omniscient (God is all-knowing).
  • He is Omnipresent (God is present everywhere).
  • He is Omnipotent (God is all-powerful).
  • He is Love (God is the Source of Love).
  • He is Truth (God is the Source of Truth, He cannot lie).
  • He is Mercy (God is compassionate).
  • He is Faithful (God can be trusted).

And these are just a few of His titles and attributes.

As Children’s Ministry Leaders, we must feel the weight of this responsibility to teach boys and girls about God and get it right. The way we do that is by diligently preparing to teach children God’s Word every week. Remember, the Holy Spirit is the primary Teacher (see John 14:25-26), so it is crucial that we only say what the Scripture says (not add to it or remove anything from it) and get out of the way!

This overwhelming task should cause us to tremble and fall on our knees to plead with God for help.

I am troubled when I see children’s ministry leaders take the responsibility of teaching children about God so casually. Children’s ministry is serious business because it counts for all eternity, and we must take the job seriously.

Teaching children about God begins with leaders and teachers who are mature Christians that faithfully study God’s Word and obey it.

Teaching children about God requires planning, organization, and preparation.

Teaching children about God requires the leader to train other teachers who are committed to the task. These volunteers must be equipped for ministry and receive ongoing instruction and oversight.

Teaching children about God requires that each child have a copy of the Bible.*

Teaching children about God requires a Bible-based curriculum.*

Much of the curriculum sold at Christian conferences simply skim the surface and seldom dive deep into the Scripture.

Yet when selecting a new course of study for their children’s ministry, many leaders do not spend enough time evaluating, researching, and examining the curriculum. Often, the chosen curriculum does not even align with the church’s doctrinal statement.

I remember one now-defunct Christian publisher who sold curriculum that was designed for specific audiences. In their case, they offered one curriculum with Christian doctrine and another curriculum with Catholic doctrine. This publisher was not interested in teaching children Biblical Truth; they simply created products to make money. Avoid publishers like this one. Unfortunately, they seem to be at every conference.

Teaching children about God starts in the nursery and continues systematically until those children have completed elementary school.

We want boys and girls to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Bible, but the primary goal is that children encounter the Living God through His Word, by the Holy Spirit, and through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

*Visit www.cmikids.com and click Recommended Resources for Children’s Bibles (complete Bibles for young readers and Bible Story Books for non-readers) and children’s ministry curriculum (for Sunday School and weekly children’s programs).


1) Meditate on the titles and characteristics of God as you consider the awesome responsibility of teaching children about Him.

TAGS: 1 Chronicles 28:11, God, Teaching, Curriculum

Visit www.cmikids.com

© 2022 Children’s Ministries International, Inc.

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