I want to invite you to be a part of an upcoming event. The event is Global 4/14 Day, and it takes place on April 14 every year.

Global 4/14 Day is an international day of prayer for boys and girls, sponsored by Children’s Ministries International, Inc., which is the same ministry that produces this podcast.

The 4/14 in Global 4/14 Day simply identifies the month (4) and day (14) of this event.

Whether you pray by yourself on April 14 or with a group from your church, pray for the children in your congregation by name and for your children’s ministry overall.

I encourage you to go to www.Global414Day.com to JOIN THE MOVEMENT and print a Prayer Guide. Global414Day.com is one of our ministry’s websites and is available in multiple languages. The Prayer Guide will help you prepare your heart before the Lord and specifically suggest ways to pray for children.

For example, we encourage you to pray for children geographically, beginning with the kids in your family and moving on to the children in your church. Then pray for the children in your city, community, town, or village, including the kids in the elementary schools closest to your home and church. Follow that by praying for the boys and girls in your state and country. Finally, expand your prayers to include the children on the continent where you live, and then pray for kids worldwide.

We want to pray on Global 4/14 Day for the spiritual needs of boys and girls (Matthew 18:10-14; Mark 10:13-16). Specifically, we want to pray that every child will have the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus, even those who live in parts of the world where governments restrict Christianity.

We also want to pray for kids’ physical and emotional needs (Luke 12:22-24; Philippians 4:19). The Prayer Guide will assist you in praying for children. As we pray for children’s physical and emotional needs, we want to pray for the God-given Human Rights of every boy and girl around the globe, including the unborn.

While children have many needs and face enormous challenges, we must always remember that their greatest need in life is to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord and for their sins to be forgiven by Him.

On Global 4/14 Day, we want to boldly go before the throne of God on behalf of boys and girls worldwide (Hebrews 4:16). Stay focused as you pray by keeping your Bible nearby and letting God’s Word and His Holy Spirit guide you as you pray (Psalm 119:130; Romans 8:26-27).

Will you join me in prayer on Global 4/14 Day? Can I count on you to pray for boys and girls on April 14? You will be blessed for praying and be a blessing to those you pray for. But remember, the power of prayer is not in the person who prays but in God, who hears and answers our prayers.


1) Please take a moment today to write on your calendar Global 4/14 Day on April 14 and plan to join me in prayer.

2) Get your church involved by organizing a group within your congregation to gather on April 14 to pray.

3) Get the children in your church involved by praying for kids around the world.

4) Share your testimony, answered prayers, and photos with me at

Testimony @Global414Day.com. I want to praise God and rejoice with you!.

TAGS: Psalm 119:130; Matthew 18:10-14; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 12:22-24; Romans 8:26-27; Philippians 4:19; Hebrews 4:16; Global 4/14 Day; Prayer

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© 2022 Children’s Ministries International, Inc.

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Children❜s Ministry Seminar