Welcome to the website of Children’s Ministries International, Inc. and the home of the Children’s Ministry Seminar. The Children’s Ministry Seminar is a Biblically sound resource for children’s ministry leaders and volunteers worldwide.
There are several million churches located around the globe, and most of them are small congregations with fewer than 100 adults and children.
These small churches rely on volunteers to lead and staff their children’s ministry programs. These volunteers faithfully serve in the nursery, teach Sunday School classes, lead music, work in children’s Church, and fill various other roles on Sundays and throughout the week within their local congregations.

Because these volunteers have families, jobs, and other commitments, they seldom, if ever, have the time, opportunity, or finances to attend Christian conferences to receive instruction and training in children’s ministry. They get discouraged and frustrated. So often, they “wing it” and, in the process, twist, suppress, or altogether ignore the Word of God.
Does any of this ring a bell? Are you part of a small church and volunteer with the children? If so, we are here for you.
Children’s Ministries International, Inc. builds up the body of Christ by serving small congregations and helping them train and equip their leaders and volunteers for ministry to kids. That is why we launched the Children’s Ministry Seminar online in 2021.
The Children’s Ministry Seminar is free and consists of a weekly essay and podcast that can be accessed online 24/7. (Note: SUBSCRIBE above with your e-mail address to receive each new essay and podcast as they are downloaded on Wednesdays.)
Each week, as Steve Karges teaches the Children’s Ministry Seminar, he uses the Authority of Scripture to shed light on topics you can ponder, pray about, digest, discuss with others, and implement within your congregation. In other words, you can add a new tool to your children’s ministry toolbox each time you plug into the seminar, and if you miss a week, you can easily catch up on your own time and schedule.
New content is added weekly, and seminar topics will be indexed for easy access and future reference. The Children’s Ministry Seminar is also ongoing with no scheduled end. The Lord will decide that. Until then, the terrain we can cover is limitless.
On occasion, Steve recommends Biblical resources that teach sound doctrine or go into greater detail on a specific topic. Each week, he helps you answer the following questions. (1) Why do I need to know this information? (2) Why should I care?
In children’s ministry, we want boys and girls to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Bible and obey it, but the primary goal is that children may encounter the Living God through His Word, by the Holy Spirit, and through the person and work of Jesus Christ.
The Children’s Ministry Seminar reminds us of the real purpose of children’s ministry and encourages each volunteer to use their spiritual gifts for God’s glory.
We invite you to be a part of the Children’s Ministry Seminar online at any time. In addition, we encourage you to tell other leaders and volunteers at your Church about this great resource.